Benelux retailer enhances supply chain processes and achieves strategic goals by deploying Blue Yonder Demand and Fulfillment solutions

To achieve their strategic goals, Maxeda DIY Group successfully deployed Blue Yonder Demand an Fulfillment solutions in a SaaS environment, providing a single end-to-end demand and supply planning environment for all three company brands. This transformation significantly improved agility and informed decision-making by integrating processes, resulting in enhanced service levels, optimized stock levels, and reduced manual work that have boosted team motivation and freed up working capital for strategic and high-value tasks.

Thanks to Blue Yonder, Maxeda DIY Group has been able to:

  • Develop an end-to-end view of products and categories for all three of its brands.
  • Improve service levels and reduce stock-outs.
  • Create short- and long-term stock visibility to suppliers.
  • Drive change management, including from distribution center to store, as well as in supplier ordering activities.

“We are proud of our longstanding collaboration with Maxeda DIY Group and thrilled with the results achieved by their digital transformation thanks to deploying our Blue Yonder Demand and Fulfillment solutions,” said Rudi Boeye, senior vice president, Global Professional Services EMEA, Blue Yonder. “Maxeda DIY Group has gained the necessary supply chain agility to keep pace with the constant changes in the market and business landscape, futureproofing their adoption of technological advancements.”

Additional Resources:

About Maxeda DIY Group

About Blue Yonder

“Blue Yonder” is a trademark or registered trademark of Blue Yonder Group, Inc. Any trade, product or service name referenced in this document using the name “Blue Yonder” is a trademark and/or property of Blue Yonder Group, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of the companies with which they are associated.
